Thursday, 24 January 2013

"Life at Harlaxton"

Students in this semester's Digital Photography class were asked to capture "Life at Harlaxton" for their first photo assignment. What struck the professor about their submissions was the quiet quality of the photos and how many of them blended the subjects into the architecture of the manor.


Monday, 14 January 2013

First Impressions

I stepped onto the coach at Heathrow Airport after hours of traveling and informed the small lady, with the clip board, of my name. “Erin Taylor” I said with tired eyes and an anxious soul.  I found my seat and drifted off into yet another uncomfortable sleep.  Then two and a half short hours later, the chipper, English guide (whom we now refer to as Dr. Bujak) alerted us that we would soon be able to see our new home to our left, just upon the horizon.  All of us, new to this adventure, perked up as if jet lag was nonexistent.  Unique expressions of joy sounded (some sounded a louder joy than others). The sun beamed in through the windows and our eyes struggled to stay half open as we squinted towards the bright horizon.  Then, quicker than any of us expected, we each began to spot this brilliant castle glowing in the sun’s radiance.  The quiet roar began to silence; the aura captured each of us as we stared with an extra glimmer in our tired eyes.  Each of us with individual thoughts recognized this would be the place we would call our home.  

I said my goodbyes earlier that day knowing there would not be a familiar face or space where I was headed, Harlaxton College.  I know now, after calling the Manor my home for less than a week, these faces will now and forever be familiar.

The best is yet to come.